"Calling is the heritage of the mature"
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov
You may be anointed from birth, but the anointing really begins to work when you spiritually mature.
It has nothing to do with your physical age.
Remember David's transition from being anointed to actually walking in that anointing.
Also remember Joseph, the moment of his calling and the moment he actually walked in his element.
Sometimes your maturity cannot catch up with your anointing. People are unique creatures and in many cases they refuse to mature, not wanting to pay the price.
There is a serious problem here because when someone is anointed and they know it, in some cases they are unwilling to mature and jump into the calling immature.
Basically, if you think about it, everything you go through is the Spirit of God trying to lead you along the path of maturation to turn on (activate) your anointing.
Because the anointing is activated at a certain spiritual age. It is like an inheritance, it comes into effect after the heir comes of age.
It is like the army, all boys know that at 18 they will be drafted into the army.
That is, the understanding that you will be in the army is not a calling, the calling is activated by coming of age.
You can absolutely be anointed for something, but not yet called, and often it takes years for the anointing to catch up with the calling.
The anointing is just a prophetic element pointing you to the area in which God wants to use you.
Remember, the anointing is not a calling.
This is where most get lost and after the anointing, they begin a movement that leads them to disappointment and collapse.
David received the anointing, but immediately went back to the field, that's where his calling was.
And he waited for the moment when the calling would catch up with the anointing.
When you are mature enough to move forward in your calling, they will come for you.
Here is a conflict for many, because you can absolutely be anointed for one thing, but at the moment, according to your age, still be in another calling. Like David, his anointing was to be the King of Israel, and his calling, according to his spiritual age, was still to be a shepherd.
Why does God need this?
Because when you enter into a calling, with the calling comes great pressure, and the question is whether you are ready to stand and come out victorious, having gone through this hell, battles, pain and pressure.
Remember, the anointing never protects you from pressure. The anointing is the power to accomplish a certain task, but character, willpower, honor and fortitude are what must be present in you when the anointing begins to operate in full force in your life.
If you think about it, the devil does not attack the anointing, but the calling, are you ready for the calling? Because you do not need to prepare for the anointing.
The forces of darkness are not interested in you as a person and they do not attack you, they attack your function and calling. Therefore, as soon as you give in under pressure and leave everything, the devil is no longer interested in you, because you do not pose a threat to him.
Remember what Saul did when he heard the song and was afraid, he thought that David only lacked the kingdom. Saul focused on destroying David only after David was mature enough to move in his calling.
Remember what the enemies of Israel did when they heard that David was made king, they went out to fight him.
Believe me dear, David needed all those years of preparation, not to walk in the anointing, but to walk in the calling. To move in his function as the king of Israel.
And I know exactly what battle I am in now, the devil is not trying to defame my anointing, he is trying to defile my position, my name, my honor, my principles and me as a person and if I allow this, then no matter how great the anointing is on me, this ministry will not be accepted.
No matter how great the anointing a person moves in, if the enemy has managed to defile his position (calling), then his anointing will simply not be accepted. Remember God's Generals.
And that is why I am focused on honor, principles, a strong family, because it is not the anointing that is being attacked, but the position. And the position consists of many components in which I must be a winner, and this will take time.
At the moment, what is observed in the body of Christ, ministers have arisen who are not mature in reality, but they have learned, in the services of other anointed ones, how the Holy Spirit moves.
In reality, these individuals pursue praise, the glory of people and, naturally, the collection of funds.
In America, this epidemic has really spread very strongly and only mature individuals in the spirit can identify these immature spiritual swindlers.
These immature ones gather people and play on their desire and thirst to see something supernatural.
Note that even in the services of swindlers, real healings can occur, because the Holy Spirit will move according to the faith of the one who wants to receive healing.
There is another phenomenon that has recently appeared in the Body of Christ, I called it "Hybrid Ministry", that is, it is a mixture of two components.
This is when individuals who were previously involved in witchcraft, Satanism and the occult began to come to Christ. That is, they gave their lives to God, but did not want to leave their dark tricks and tricks until the end.
Some of the "Hybrids" do not know what they are doing, thinking that God will use them anyway.
Others know exactly what they are doing, poisoning the Body of Christ with their mixed ministry.
These people are capable of real spiritual manifestations in different areas, this is Satan's tactic to use "hybrids" because they will be taken in by babies in Christ who have not gone through the maturation process, but they really want to move in the supernatural.
They fall for this hook, because their desire overshadows their common sense, and they fall for it.
I believe the Holy Spirit is now preparing the mature to enter into their callings, we will soon see God raise up people who were previously unknown, but who are right now, paying the price, enduring pain, betrayal, loneliness and deprivation. They are faithfully waiting for God's command and will not move at the wrong time.
I ask the Holy Spirit to raise up mature Spiritual fathers and mothers who recognize all the tricks of the devil and help new converts enter into spiritual maturity and in the process move in the anointing, fulfilling their function in the Body of Christ.
In reality, many have prophecies and anointings for certain areas in the Body of Christ, but the entrance to the real calling is open only to the mature.
The calling is the inheritance of the mature.
May the Heavenly Father bless you.
"Calling is the heritage of the mature" 100M
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