Pastor Andrey Shapovalov «Law or Covenant» (03/10/24)
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov «Law or Covenant» (03/10/24)

«Law or Covenant»
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov


Often our lives are in various problems, only because we do not understand how Heavenly Father and His Kingdom operate.

Our Heavenly Father is the God of the Covenants. Covenants are written throughout the entire Word of God in the Bible.
The law is - you owe me. A covenant is, other out of love, we owe to each other.
The power of the Law is fear; the power of the Covenant is love.

Today I not only want to explain what a Covenant is, but also what Covenants we need for a successful and blessed life on this earth.

And so, Covenants are made not only by God with man, but also by man with God.

When the Father revealed this to me, my whole life absolutely and totally changed.

A covenant is a definite agreement between two individuals who, of their own free will, have decided and promised to observe and fulfill it.

If you break the law, you are punished.
But If you break the Covenant, you are abandoned. Like the prodigal son who broke the Covenant with the Father, he was not punished (here is the secret), he was abandoned and now he must survive on his own.

There is a huge difference here, because the law is for slaves and orphans, but the Covenant is for children.

Slaves and orphans do not have the right to make covenants; they live according to the law until they enter the position of sons.

Remember how God made a Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and also many Covenants with the Israeli people.
Remember Anna, who made a Covenant with God regarding the birth of her first child. David was generally a man of Covenants, remember Daniel and his friends who made a Covenant not to touch anything unclean, etc. Remember Jacob and his covenant with God, about his tithe of 10% that he will give to God.

Many of God's children do not understand the fact that the Covenant is not a law.
Understand that the law obliges and punishes, but the Covenant, protects and blesses.

Our God is not a God of laws, He is a God of Covenants.

And so there are several Covenants that the children of God need to conclude for

1). Covenant of Restoration. (Sonship)
Jesus washes you in His Blood, restores your position as a sonю.

Without this Covenant it is impossible to come to the Father and be restored to the position of a son.

2). Covenant of Dedication. (Inheritance)
You are baptized in water as a symbol of complete and total dedication to serve the Kingdom and Heavenly Father.
This is the end of the old life and the beginning of a new one.

Without this Covenant, God's Kingdom cannot trust you with its resources and inheritance.

3). Covenant of Power and Authority (Dunamis Power).
Baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs of speaking in tongues.

A Part of God himself enters into you and through total obedience to the Spirit of God, He begins to transform and change you into the Image of Jesus Christ.

Without this Covenant, it is impossible to walk in the Power and Authority of God.
This is not your will or desires, understand that the Power and Authority is entrusted to those who walk in total obedience to the Heavenly Father and His Kingdom.

4). Covenant of offerings, tithes and sacrifices. (Success and prosperity)
This Covenant blesses the House of God and the work of His Kingdom here on earth, and this Covenant provides the blessing and protection of your earthly possessions.

In this aria the devil did the most damage, because Jesus said that the root of all evil is the love of money, notice the difference, not wealth, but the love of money.

It is also one of the most successful weapons of spirit of this world, remember that Lucifer offered Jesus all the wealth and glory of this world.

5). One flesh covenant. (Unity, Integrity and support)
God gave this covenant to Adam and Eve.

We make this Covenant with the person God has given us. (And the two will become one flesh)
This Covenant provides mental stability and health, as well as physical health, intimacy and support.

Many cannot understand why some of God's children experience success and blessing, while others experience failure and destruction? And it seems to some that the Father is not fair, but He is absolutely fair in relation to the Covenants that we make with Him.

There are Covenants that are absolutely necessary for our salvation and eternal life, such as the Covenant in the Blood of Christ and the Restoration.

But there are Covenants, that you have to make with God.

May our Heavenly Father Bless you!



«Law or Covenant» 70M


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